Quality Health Care for Your Whole Family
We Are In Your Neighborhood
For routine medical concerns, please call one of our health centers during normal business hours to make an appointment. We encourage you to ask for the provider of your choice. If you must cancel an appointment, please call as early as possible so that we may offer that time to another patient.
If you have an acute illness, you can often be seen the day you call. Please let the receptionist know that you are seeking a same day appointment. In some instances, you may be referred to a different site than you originally called in order to get you the earliest available appointment.
Patients whose health condition may require emergency care (chest pain, severe difficulty breathing, trauma, loss of consciousness, etc.) should seek treatment at the nearest Emergency Room. Call 911. If you are unsure if your condition requires emergency care, call your local health center.
Patients who come for care without an appointment are handled on a first-come, first-served basis (after scheduled patients), with the exception of medical emergencies.
24-Hour Medical Call
One of our providers is on call 24 hours a day, seven days a week, 365 days a year. You can always reach a health care provider by calling your local health center during business hours. If your local center is closed, you will be given the number for our answering service who will connect you to the provider on call. Our On-Call number is (607) 756-0405 or toll free at 1-833-954-0489.
Test Results
FHN will notify you of significant test results via mail or at the time of your next appointment. In special cases, you may be contacted by telephone.
Prescription Refills
For assistance refilling current prescriptions, please call the health center where your prescription was written. We will process your request within 48 hours.